Answers To Pensacola's Most Commonly Asked Tick Questions

deer tick crawling on a hand

Ticks are a pest that many people know exists, but they don’t always know how to separate the facts from the fiction. Many people fear getting bitten by a tick, but they don’t always realize the best ways to prevent and control ticks.

In this guide, we’ll go over some of the most common tick questions including what to do if you’re bitten and how to prevent ticks in Pensacola in the first place.

What Time Of Year Are Ticks The Worst?

While some areas of the country that have much colder winters don’t deal with ticks as often, ticks in Pensacola are prevalent year-round. Our temperate weather creates an environment that allows ticks to thrive, so it’s important to keep tick prevention in mind throughout the year, especially when spending time outdoors.

Can Ticks Jump On People?

Ticks attach themselves to a living host, whether a human or animal, but they don’t do this by jumping. What they do instead is a process called “questing.” Simply put, the tick waits somewhere like in tall grass or on other vegetation, and they hold onto the plant with their back legs as the rest of their body stretches out and waits for a host to pass by. Once a human or animal brushes past where the tick is waiting, the tick will attach to the host and start to dig its head into the body of the host.

How Do You Know If You’ve Been Bitten? And, What Should You Do Next?

The most obvious indicator that you’ve been bitten by a tick is if you find the tick when it is still attached to you. In this case, there are steps you should take to remove the tick immediately. Use a set of tweezers and pull the tick off in a steady, slow movement. Be sure not to squish the tick. Once the tick is fully removed, store it in a container and reach out to a medical professional. Also, wash your hands before and after this process.

If you suspect you’ve been bitten but can’t find a tick on your body, there are some symptoms you should be on the lookout for. These symptoms include headaches, issues with breathing, and heart palpitations. You might also notice a rash that can be at the sight of the bite or elsewhere on your body. If you are having any of these symptoms or other symptoms following a suspected tick bite, reach out to your doctor.

How Can You Keep Ticks From Biting You?

Ticks are dangerous because they can transmit many illnesses including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. While not all ticks will cause disease, it's important to avoid being bitten to fully protect yourself.

There are some things you can do to keep from being bitten when you are in the outdoors, including:

  • Wear long pants and shirt sleeves and keep pants tucked into your socks to limit exposure.
  • Work with your vet to protect pets from ticks.
  • If hiking or camping, stay on trails and away from dense vegetation.

You should also take some precautions to keep ticks from coming onto your property. Wildlife often brings ticks around, so make sure to place fences around your property and remove bird feeders. You can also remove organic debris from your yard and keep vegetation trimmed and well-maintained.

What’s The Best Way To Handle Tick Problems?

If you’re having any concerns about ticks around your property, the best form of tick prevention is assistance from the experts at EnSec. We offer residential pest control options that will keep ticks and other dangerous pests away from your home.

Contact us today to learn more or to request your free estimate.