How To Keep The Snakes In Mobile At Bay

garter snake in grass

Snakes are legless reptiles with a long body style, triangular head, and a tapered tail that preys on rodents and other small creatures, making them a benefit to the overall environment. Snakes have an “unhinged” jaw, strong teeth used for hunting, and a scaly exterior that often has colorful markings. As predominately outdoor dwellers, snakes commonly burrow into areas of cluttered vegetation, woodpiles, beneath fallen trees, or within ground holes.

Snakes could potentially enter a structure through voids near the foundation, open doors, or unobstructed vents. As cold-blooded creatures, the primary reason a snake would move indoors is for warmth.

Are you in need of outdoor home pest control services? Promptly speak with an experienced Mobile pest control company for effective lawn and home pest control solutions that ensure safety.

The Types Of Snakes In Mobile

Experts suggest that Alabama is home to approximately 40 various snake species, with roughly six types classified as being venomous. Among the most common types in this region include:

  • Copperhead: Usually measuring between two and three feet in length, copperheads have “hourglass” type markings and can deliver a painful bite. 
  • Cottonmouth or water moccasin: As the lone aquatic venomous snake found in the region, the cottonmouth may reach a length of five feet and appear in various color combinations. 
  • Coral snakes: Usually found exclusively in forest environments, Eastern coral snakes are venomous and have a unique appearance with yellow, red, and black rings. 
  • Timber rattlesnakes: Also called the Canebrake rattlesnake, timber rattlesnakes are venomous types that may reach five feet in length and have a black tail. 
  • Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes: A dangerous snake that could measure seven feet in length, the Eastern diamondback rattlesnake appears with “diamond-like” markings. 
  • Garter snakes: Usually with stripes that span from head to tail, garter snakes measure roughly two feet in length. 
  • Water snakes: Freshwater ponds and lakes may contain several water snake species that will bite; however, the symptoms are generally mild.

Keep in mind that snake species are commonly misidentified. Of the six venomous snake species in Alabama, five are pit vipers, with facial “pits” between the eyes and nostrils.

Are The Snakes In The Mobile Area Dangerous?

Several snakes in Mobile pose dangers to people and pets by delivering a venomous bite. Those most susceptible to severe reactions from a venomous snake bite include children and seniors.

Fortunately, the majority of snakes you might encounter in yards areas are mostly harmless; however, intentionally touching or provoking a snake is strongly discouraged.   Those who routinely encounter snakes in their yard should promptly contact a local pest control professional for assistance.

Deterring The Snakes Outside Your Home

Because of the warmer climate in this region, snakes are active throughout most times of the year. Snakes will most likely approach the exterior area of a home when rodents or other small food sources are plentiful. Therefore, property owners should prevent access to food scraps in exterior trash areas and remove bird feeders and other things that likely attract rodents.

Keeping yard areas free of hiding places is also important. For example, keep lawns, weeds, and other types of vegetation trimmed and remove unnecessary clutter or debris.

Professional Pest Control Can Help With Snakes

The experts with EnSec Pest & Lawn provide superior home and yard pest control services for customers in the Mobile region. Unlike some residential pest control companies, our technicians take the time to perform a detailed interior and exterior property inspection. Our specialists will identify any property conditions that might be attracting snakes and present humane and effective solutions.

Contact our office today for a consultation.