How Did These Bed Bugs Get Into My Mobile Home?

bed bug crawling on bedroom furniture

Living spaces require a lot of upkeep, whether it’s a mobile home, apartment, or house. You have to make sure that the structure is intact and that the fixtures are working properly. The bills for electricity, water, and utilities have to be paid in full and on time. Grocery lists have to be completed. Rooms have to be cleaned well and routinely. All of this is before managing everyone’s individual schedules. Mobile homeowners have much on their minds, so pest control is often forgotten. It needs to be put on the priority list though because critters like bed bugs can interrupt everything.

Bed bugs are mystifying insects; most folks have no idea where they come from. Their consequences are clear, however. They bite you while you're sleeping and sop up your blood, leaving you with itchy, red bumps on your body. Even worse, these pests procreate extremely quickly. Learn how they operate and how you can stop them with the professionals at EnSec.

How Do You Get Bed Bugs?

Many people believe that the dirtier your house is, the more likely you are to have bed bugs. This is far from true. These insects are solely interested in the blood; it’s what they need to live. Animal plots and public places are what they rely on for a steady supply of the fluid. You can expect to see them crawling about in fields, airports, hotels, offices, schools, and more. In a space preoccupied with humans, bed bugs will creep into clothes and personal bags. If they’re able to follow you home, they’ll also walk off to your:

  • Electronics
  • Appliances
  • Wood Trim
  • Flooring
  • Wallpaper
  • Fabrics
  • Upholstery
  • Couches 
  • Mattresses

Body bites, stains, and odors are the hallmarks of a bed bug infestation. After they’re done feeding on you, your skin will be covered in patchy, grouped together welts. Many will be on your face, neck, arms, and legs. It will seem as though it’s a rash. When you lift fabrics or go past surfaces, you’re liable to see reddish-brown splotches and blood drops from these pests. They’ll also leave brown or black fecal blemishes, it may be powdery. As for odors, rooms will smell very musty continually.    Typical bed bugs are small and reddish-brown like apple seeds. They’re no larger than 0.25 of an inch long usually. Round tiny heads and circular big tails are among their features. Perhaps their most distinctive aspect is their midsection, which is an offbeat shape. They also have two antennas and six legs. Translucent young come from their pearly white eggs.

How Can One Prevent Bed Bugs?

Follow these practices in public:

  • Don't put your personal belongings on the ground or floor. 
  • Notify management if you see bed bugs in your hotel room and get reassigned to a room at a distance. 
  • Always put your luggage in a protective cover or plastic bag.
  • Travel clothes should be washed with hot water, and dried with high heat for 20 minutes.

Practice these habits at home:

  • Regularly inspect the bed head and footboards, mattress seams, and box springs with a flashlight. Go under the beds as well. 
  • Take a close look at purses and bags, laundry, drawer interiors, and furniture.  
  • Second-hand items, like appliances, should be examined before purchase. Look for indications of infestation.  

What Can EnSec Do About Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are difficult to eliminate, so you’ll need to bring in the professionals at EnSec. Our technicians are highly trained and have the specialized expertise to execute relevant inspections and treatments. The heating solutions they’ll apply are more thorough and potent than conventional options. Further, it’s an eco-friendly avenue; no chemicals involved. Warranties and guarantees will be attached. Get a free estimate when you call  EnSec today!