Why Is It So Hard To Keep Rodents Out Of Your Mobile Home?

big rat near rocks

Whiskers, tiny ears, glossy eyes, and pointed noses can give a pest a “cute and cuddly” appearance, where people won’t be alarmed about them. Don’t be mistaken, the majority of these creatures are indeed dangerous, and rodents are an example.

Rodents can harm you with their biting and scratching. Even if they don’t attack you, they harbor ferocious germs and can transmit illnesses. Further, they are capable of ruining personal belongings and buildings. On top of all of that, they are challenging to get rid of. They get indoors effortlessly and procreate in volume. Find out how to combat them in Mobile with EnSec.

What Rodents Are Common in Mobile? What Are the Risks?

House mice and Norway rats are widespread in the region. House mice have perhaps the biggest reputation for infiltrating homes, as you might’ve guessed from their name. They are 7 inches long. Their brown, black, or gray hairs are very short and lighter shades color their abdomen. Warmth, water, and food are what motivate their violations. Considering this, muggy and damp spots where they won’t be seen are ideal for them. For instance, dark pockets like cabinets, structural voids, and the basement. Unfortunately, you may have to battle with these animals if your home is located next to the grassland or the woods.

Just as house mice do, Norway rats come out of forests and similar plots. These vermin can ruin land while they do their habitual burrowing and tunneling. The paths they forge permit them to penetrate domiciles. If your house has shabby foundations, you’re almost guaranteed to have a rodent problem. It would be hard to miss a Norway rat, as they are a huge 15 inches long and their tails are 7 inches long. Their dense gray or brown fur is also unmistakable. Signs of infestation are as follows:

  • Spotting these nocturnal animals in broad daylight
  • Hearing noises from inside walls, like squeaking and scratching
  • Discovering fecal pellets and/or footprints
  • Finding greasy rub marks along foundations and edges

To cut down their teeth, rodents will chew on just about anything they can find. Some of the worst outcomes are from them gnawing on piping, wires, and walls. Severe plumbing and electrical catastrophes, such as fires, have been known to happen. Cosmetic injury may seem like a small issue, but it can be costly to repair. Health troubles can arise, as these pests taint food and surfaces. They bring in bacteria from mucky settings, like dumpsters, sewers, and streets.

Additionally, they naturally have parasites on their bodies. Microbes are in their spit, feces, and urine. Hantavirus, salmonella, and leptospirosis are a few of the conditions you or a relative might consequently develop.

Can Anything Be Done to Prevent Rodents?  

It would behoove you to prepare for rodent invasions as if you might have mice and rats concurrently. The chances of this are low, but a stalwart defense will block either out by:

  • Reducing clutter  Washing dishes and exhaustively cleaning the kitchen often 
  • Regularly vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping 
  • Putting food and garbage in containers with secure lids, including pet meals 
  • Fixing leaks and moisture malfunctions 
  • Sealing openings in doors, windows, and foundations with steel wool as rodents can get through the tiniest of holes, and also chew rubber and plastic. 
  • Frequently flushing drains and gutters
  • Mowing the lawn and trimming greenery routinely
  • Distancing plants from exterior doors

How Will EnSec Handle Rodents?

Traps and other retail products for rodents will only kill individual vermin. To rectify an infestation and entryways, contact us at EnSec. Our trained and certified staff will use state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly treatments to exterminate these pests efficiently. A free estimate awaits you when you call us at EnSec today!